Movement is


As with everything in life, when it comes to exercise, finding a balanced approach is the key to success. It’s about listening to your body and honouring what it needs. On this page you’ll find quick links to our in-person and online programs. If you want to improve strength, realign and re-energise, or you just wanna have fun while you get fit, you’ll find it all here.


Discover a positive and supportive all-female exercise environment. These classes will help you feel great about yourself in the process of improving your health and fitness.



Keen to get moving and grooving from the comfort and privacy of your own home?  Enjoy a new timetable of on-demand classes every month so getting fit and staying fit is always motivating and fun.



Are you looking for a structured strength program with exercise options? You receive fresh new programs every 6 weeks to keep you focused and achieving results.



Experience dynamic and motivating online strength training. Receive real-time expert instruction and technique corrections so you get the most out of every session.

Meet The Tribe Chief

Simone Wood

Simone is the founder of The Phoenix Tribe. She is a national award-winning performer, former professional dancer, qualified group fitness instructor and personal trainer. In her 20’s, Simone suffered a severe back injury and turned to exercise to heal her spine. During this life-changing experience, she discovered the healing power of the mind-body connection. This experience inspired Simone to become an holistic personal trainer and transformation coach so she could teach her unique methods and help others. Today, Simone’s passion is helping women design the life of their dreams and create radiant health and happiness.

Feel The Love

I am 73 and suffer from Parkinson’s Disease and a heart condition. I was concerned about my long time goals – mobility and prevention of falls. I have personal training with Simone in my home for an hour every fortnight. The training is based on my requirements. I felt the benefits from the initial session and I knew I was on the right track. Physically, the muscles in my legs, arms and body are stronger. I now have the confidence to go out socially. Simone looks at the whole person and she genuinely cares about you.

Rosalie Lund-Conlon

Simone creates a safe space of unconditional love in which people can let down their guard and slowly unveil and reveal their true self. She is motivational, caring and a beautiful person who surrounds herself and her clients in expansive energy.

Fionna Middler

It’s never about size, age or shape. Simone reminds us how strong and beautiful we are so we feel great during the sessions and even better after. She makes all women feel great about being women. 

Skyla Wagstaff

Simone is the most inspiring, unique, motivating, caring, fun, loving and selfless lady! She inspires so many women!! I’ve learnt to do things outside my comfort zone and to be the best version of myself!!

Danielle Tuelan

Simone knows how to really connect with and empower her clients. She challenges your mind and body and reminds you that you’re worth it. She is encouraging and motivating and will always help you strive to be your best. 

Lauren Schutte

Simone’s coaching provides an extremely motivating, fun and definitely holistic experience! She believes in our abilities to change and ‘do’ which in turn makes us believe in ourselves to be the best we can be.

Lorraine Bedford

Simone always provides positive reinforcement and always makes sure her clients smile. Her kindness and dedication has helped me conquer goals I never thought possible.

Simone Blomeley

What Simone offers is unique. She offers an individual experience in a group setting. You are alway made to feel special.

Michaela Westbrook

Simone is a very caring, loyal and committed teacher. She guides you to reach your goals and helps you to see your health in a very holistic way. A very motivating and talented teacher- she can be a hard task master but you will get results if you follow her direction.

Dianne McGuire

Every session brings out the best in me, physically and mentally.Simone is authentic, heartfelt, positive and motivating.Her techniques have stayed with me and helped me transform my body and my life. 

Samantha Watson

The resources, information, support and knowledge Simone shares is amazing and I am learning so much. I have had so many lightbulb moments and it’s exciting to feel this way. Aside from the fact that my body has transformed in such a short amount of time with the exercise portion, for me the most incredible part is Simone’s ability to guide me through the most amazing mind-set shift I have ever had.I haven’t been this happy for years. Thank you! 

Niccy Hansl

I’ve gained an understanding of me I never knew before. We learn to put things in our life in perspective and this is very healing. As Simone says “It’s empowering to be self-reliant and inner-directed.” I’ve learnt about prioritising my health and as a consequence the health of my family. I am so grateful for Simone’s ongoing guidance, knowledge and resources. She makes us all feel like precious gems. 

Kathy Ward

Simone understands different lifestyles and motivation levels which helps to put me in a better mindset. I no longer feel judged but I now feel understood and that is a huge thing that Simone is able to offer us. 

Peta Tumpey

The difference I feel in myself in the short space of two months is amazing! My mood has improved greatly and I have so much more energy and functional fitness. Simone’s energetic, positive can-do attitude is so motivating, plus her attention to teaching and demonstrating safe and correct posture and breathing techniques really gives me the confidence and belief that I can achieve whatever I set out to do.

Ruth Harvey

Earlier this year, I received the wonderful news that my bone density had improvedand I now have osteopenia rather than osteoporosis. Simone’s teaching style and strong desire to assist women improve and develop their strength and fitness and learn to understand their bodies better is genuine. I feel so much stronger, have learnt so much about a woman’s body and how to always protect and think about core whenever exercising. I love having access to Simone and her inspiring positivity every day! 

Anna Finn

Simone radiates positivity, understanding, authenticity and inner strength. Her coaching style takes everything to a whole new level. The integration of mind over matter and bringing in that power that we have energetically, is just phenomenal. It balances me out and makes me feel like I can do life.

Liz Henman

Simone is my “breath of fresh air”. She’s always there to support and motivate us to achieve our goals.If you’re looking for a coach who truly cares about you, you’ve just found GOLD.

Helen Way

The lessons I learned in Simone’s Inspire Transformation program have been invaluable.I wake up every day happy, healthy and excited to start the day. I am full of energy my body shape has changed and I feel strong, connected to others with an abundant love for others as well as myself. I am really enjoying living in my body. AND I think I have taken another 10 years off my age, at 59 believe me that feels pretty damn good!

Amber Guirguis
Download this FREE 2 page guide and learn what I do every day to boost my energy. I also help you create a simple action plan you can start now so you enjoy more vitality quickly and easily.